Summary of The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse

“The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse” by William Saroyan tells the story of two Armenian boys, Aram and Mourad, living in a poor but honest family.


One summer morning, Mourad wakes up nine-year-old Aram to show him a stunning surprise: a beautiful white horse that Mourad somehow acquired.


Aram is amazed and confused because their family, the Garoghlanians, is known for being very poor. They struggle to afford even basic necessities, so owning a horse seems impossible.


Despite his doubts, Aram is thrilled by the idea of riding the horse. Mourad, known for his adventurous spirit and considered a bit crazy by others, convinces Aram that they can ride the horse together.


The boys keep the horse hidden in a deserted vineyard barn, away from prying eyes. They enjoy riding it in the early morning, feeling the freedom and joy that comes with it. However, Aram starts to suspect that Mourad may have stolen the horse,


as he knows their family values honesty above all else. Despite this suspicion, Aram also believes that stealing a horse for a ride might not be as bad as stealing money or other things, especially since they have no intention of selling the horse.


Their secret doesn’t last long. One day, John Byro, a local farmer, spots them with the horse. Aram fears that Byro will accuse them of theft, but to their surprise, Byro doesn’t confront them directly. Instead, he hints that the horse looks similar to his own, but he trusts the Garoghlanians’ reputation for honesty.


This encounter deeply affects Aram and Mourad. They realize that keeping the horse goes against their family’s principles, despite their love for it. They decide to return the horse to its rightful owner, John Byro. The next day, Byro finds the horse back in the barn,


well-cared for and in better condition than before. He appreciates the boys’ honesty and integrity, and this reaffirms their family’s reputation in the community.


In conclusion, “The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse” is a story about moral values and the importance of honesty. It shows how Aram and Mourad, despite their initial excitement over owning the horse, ultimately choose to do the right thing.


The story highlights the contrast between their impoverished circumstances and their rich sense of integrity. It teaches us that integrity and honesty are values that should be upheld, even when faced with temptation or difficult circumstances.


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